Dear Members of Yaşar University,

Izmir Universities Platform is going to organize an event with the title “Technology Days”. The event will take place in Dokuz Eylül University’s Sabancı Cultural Center and Ege Universtiy’s Atatürk Cultural Center in 24-25th December 2019 between 10:00-17:30. The aim of the organization is to bring together the Technology Development Regions, Technology Transfer Offices and the stakeholders of technology, entrepreneurship and innovation eco-system to foster the mutual cooperation between them.

There will be conferences, panels and workshops during the event. Participants will have a chance to learn more about new technologies, new ideas about entrepreneurship, innovation, Industry 4.0 and university-industry relationships. Participants will also have a chance to communicate with the representatives of companies that will contribute to Technology Days.

“Izmir Universities Platform’s Technology Days” are open to all visitors.

Academicians, students and technology based companies are especially invited to the event. You can look for more information from: http://teknolojigunleri.izmiruniversiteleri.com

I kindly ask you to promote the event to your students and motivate them to participate in the event.

Prof. Dr. M. Cemali Dinçer

Yaşar University
