Announcement About Registrations

Attention to INAR 2nd Year Students, (those enrolled in INAR 2210-2220 courses in the 2023-24 Spring Semester)

Second-year elective courses (INAR 2251, INAR 2252, INAR 2290) will appear inactive on the registration screen on 08.02.2024 and will become active again at 09:00 on Friday morning (09.02.2024). Add the compulsory courses you need to choose when the system opens. You can add one of the elective courses you need to take (INAR 2251, INAR 2252, INAR 2290) when the courses become active.


Attention to INAR 3rd and 4th Year Students, (those enrolled in INAR 3310-3320- 4410- 4420 courses in the 2023-24 Spring Semester)

The advisor’s approval of the students who have made their course selection will be completed by the end of working hours tomorrow. If you want to add or remove courses after your advisor’s approval, these changes will be made during the add-drop period. For your quota-related situations in elective courses, you can review the quota increase form announcement on the website and teams.